Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quick Update!

With 35 out of 56 vendors reporting we've received over $1500 from the benefit bazaar! Combine that with contributions from individuals and we've raised over $4000! Our current goal is now approximately $15,500! Stay tuned for future fund-raising efforts.

P.S. If you want to make a contribution through PayPal, please mark it as a gift -- that way they don't take a chunk out of it as they do with donations and payments.


  1. I'm a little late to the party, but would like to donate $5 from the sale of each of my calendars to Wheels for Henry.
    (my shop: wolfieandthesneak.etsy.com

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  6. 48 holes and a machined side wall for better breaking would make this the wheel to get for polo.

    Wheels for Sale
